Hertfordshire Students’ Union
Hertfordshire University Students’ Union were recommended to us in 2017, to review the brand identity and create a clear marketing strategy moving forward.
The brief
Following research, it was agreed that the existing brand was fragmented and lacked a clear direction, resulting in a loss of consistency on-campus. Therefore a brand development process was carried out in order to increase consistency and re-engage students.
We delivered
Utilising our experiences in the higher education sector, we quickly launched an updated brand, requiring only a subtle tweak to the logo. We incorporated vibrancy and consistency through an iconic but flexible styling. This was designed specifically to underpin all communication between the Union and its students.
The results
The Students’ Union’s identity is now highly engaging and on display across both university campuses through wall graphics, signage and ongoing campaign initiatives.
The campaign, created by us for the recent presidential elections, was a huge success with a significant increase in votes and participation compared to previous campaigns.
in voter turnout and student engagement year on year
This looks great! I love the colours and the overall message that comes through the posters. I think the mix of real images and graphics works perfectly.
Shanara Hibbert, Marketing and Communications Manager – Hertfordshire Students’ Union
increase in conversions
page views in X months